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TUC Library Guide

This guide contains information on all aspects of the TUC Library for the TUC community.

Special Topics Resource Guides


The special topic resource guides were created by the TUC LIbrarians especially for the TUC community. To learn more about the content and purpose of the individual guides, please scroll down to the one you are interested in viewing. 

The Special Topic Guides are: 

Wellness Resource Guide

Wellness Resource Guide

This resource guide on Wellness prepared by the TUC librarians uses the 8 dimensions of the wellness model * created by the Substance Abuse & Mental Health Administration (SAMHSA). Each of the 8 wellness dimensions–emotional, spiritual, financial, environmental, social, intellectual, physical, occupational--is a separate tab in this resource guide, and each wellness tab includes materials appropriate to that dimension available in the TUC Library as well as other materials identified by the TUC librarians. Given the vast amount of materials available in these fields, this is just a start of materials available. This guide will be continually improved and updated as we obtain and identify additional and new resources. 

Topics included in this guide are: 

Virtual, Mixed, and Augmented Reality Resource Guide

Virtual, Mixed, and Augmented Reality Resource Guide

This guide was developed by the TUC librarians for the TUC community as a resource for learning about virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality (VR/AR/MR). This guide is divided into four pages. The first page is an introduction and includes resources to familiarize oneself with VR/AR/MR. The three remaining pages focus on VR/AR/MR applications in pharmacy, medicine & healthcare, and education (both K12 and higher education). 

Topics included in this guide are: 

Generative Artificial Intelligence Resource Guide

Generative Artificial Intelligence Resource Guide

This guide was developed for the TUC community as a resource for learning about generative artificial intelligence. This guide is divided into four pages. The first page is an introduction and includes resources to familiarize oneself with a broad understanding of generative artificial intelligence. The three remaining pages focus on generative artificial intelligence issues and topics in research, education (K12 and higher education) and ethics. 

Topics included in this guide are: