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TUC Library Guide

This guide contains information on all aspects of the TUC Library for the TUC community.

A-Z Databases



Clicking the above link will take you to the complete listing of TUC Library's databases. Most of these will require user authentication to complete access. To see a listing of freely accessible databases from the list, choose "Free Resources" from the "Database Types" dropdown menu.

The A-Z Databases page page offers the ability to find databases with ease. You can filter by subject, database type, or vendor by making selections in the dropdown menus and you can also search for databases with keyword in the search bar, as seen here: 


Please note: Once you select an initial filter, each subsequent filter will apply to the current filtered selection.

For example, if you select the subject "Medicine", you will see results for all databases for medicine offered by TUC. If you then select the database type, "Journal Articles" you will see results for databases for medicine--the first filter selected--that offer journal articles.

To clear the filters, you can go back to the dropdown menus and select "All Databases", located at the very top of each dropdown menu. Or you can click the button "Clear Filters/Browse All Databases", as seen here:
