See the following pages for additional resources for Osteopathic Doctoring:
Drug Resource Apps Recommended by Your Clinical Sciences Community Health Faculty for OD
Epocrates - free app download. The plus version is free for medical students if you provide your AMA ME number.
MPR - Provides drug dosing, interactions, and recalls, drug monographs, drug news, and e-prescribing service for healthcare professionals.
PDR - Prescribers Digital Reference - a compilation of manufacturers' prescribing information (package insert) on prescription drugs, updated regularly.
"VisualDx provides problem-oriented decision support for differential diagnosis, testing, and therapeutic decisions. VisualDx includes the world’s best dark skin atlas and most equitable image collection of disease presentations in people of all skin colors." - from the website.
In VisualDX, which has over 42,000 images, you can build differentials; search diseases, conditions, and diagnoses; provide patient education handouts and emails; search for medication adverse events; earn CME credits; and more. View references used for the articles and link directly to UpToDate and PubMed for further research on your topics.
Modules include:
General Symptoms | Dermatology of All Skin Types |
Dermatology of Skin Color | Ophthalmology |
ENT/Oral Medicine | Cardiac / Pulmonary |
Neurologic / Psychiatric | Genitourinary |
Gastrointestinal | Drug Reactions |
See short guides and tutorials for VisualDX at this link.
Differential Diagnosis Resources
Diagnosaurus (AccessMedicine) - Browse differential diagnoses alphabetically, or by symptom, disease or organ system
5 Minute Clinical Consult - Algorithms & Charts - Over 200 diagnosis and treatment algorithms, including online-only exclusives help you to diagnose clinical signs and symptoms, and treatment of a variety of clinical symptoms.
Diagnostic Tests & Procedures, Clinical Decision-Making and Study Tools
You will need your TouroOne credentials to access some of these eResources from off campus.
Point of care tool with information on diseases and conditions, drugs, patient handouts, PT exercises, procedures, algorithms and charts, lab tests.
See short guides and tutorials for 5 Minute Consult at this link.
See short guides and tutorials for AccessMedicine at this link.
Bates' Visual Guide to Physical Examination with OSCE Clinical Skills Videos
The Bates' videos demonstrate head-to-toe and systems-based physical examination techniques on different types of patients. The OSCE videos are designed to help with preparation for Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs) by testing clinical reasoning skills. Each video presents a clinical encounter and you are given the opportunity to develop an assessment, or differential diagnosis, and provide an appropriate diagnostic workup. Note: this resource may not be accessible on all mobile devices.
To access Bates from on-campus, do not enter an email address. Instead click on Library - Continue as anonymous library user - Access Through Your Institution
If you are accessing Bates from off-campus, you will only have to authenticate through OpenAthens and TouroOne. You will then be directed to the Bates homepage.
See guides and short tutorials on using Bates' Visual Guide to Physical Examination with OSCE Clinical Skills Videos at this link
Delivers all of Elsevier's medical and surgical content in one dynamic resource, giving physicians access to over 1100 top books, over 600 top journals, multimedia images and videos, more than 300 instructional videos from Procedures Consult, practice guidelines, drug monographs, patient education, MEDLINE citations and abstracts from PubMed.
See guides and short tutorials on how to use ClinicalKey at this link.
Merck Manual Online - Professional - Provides symptoms to disorders, tests & procedures, laboratory values, clinical calculators. Free resource.
An interactive online guide to the neurologic examination. Supplemental resource to Blumenfeld's Neuroanatomy Through Clinical Cases. Requires QuickTime plugin. Free resource.
Pediatric Care Online
A point of care resource including the AAP Textbook of Pediatric Care, Bright Futures, Red Book content, pediatric drug lookup, antimicrobial therapy guide, visual library, webinars, pediatric care updates, AAP policy statements and clinical practice guidelines, interactive periodicity schedule, signs and symptoms search, patient handouts and forms and tools to screen, track and record clinical information.
See guides and short tutorials on Pediatric Care Online at this link.
Pedscases is an interactive website created by medical students. Has quizzes, cases, MCQs in pediatrics. Free resource.
A Practical Guide to Clinical Medicine - A review of clinical exam skills. Free resource from the University of California at San Diego.
The 25 physical exams every clinician should know. Free resource from Stanford University School of Medicine.
UCSD MedPics / Clinical Images
A visual educational resource dedicated to providing pictures that are representative of common and uncommon physical exam findings. Discussions of pathophysiology, diagnostics, and treatment are not included. From the UC San Diego School of Medicine. Free Resource.
Head and Neck | Abdomen |
Eyes | Genital and Rectal |
Thorax | Lower Extremities |
Upper Extremities | Skin |
Provides topic reviews that include a synthesis of the literature, the latest evidence, and specific recommendations for patient care. UpToDate is used to answer questions quickly, increase your clinical knowledge, check for changes to drug monographs, and improve patient care.
See guides and short tutorials for UpToDate at this link.
If you need further assistance please contact the Electronic Resources Librarian.
Suturing Videos
ClinicalKey - In the "All Types" drop menu, select "Procedure Videos" and search for specific suturing videos,
Suturing - on CD-ROM available for regular checkout
Suturing Collection - on DVD available for regular checkout
Stitching It Up - A Medical Student's Guide To Suturing - In this e-module, you will learn how to complete the three most commonly used suturing techniques – the simple interrupted, buried interrupted, and running subcuticular stitches as well as briefly review different types of suture materials and surgical instruments. Free Resource from the University of Nebraska Medical Center
Guides on Reserve by TUCOM Faculty
Additional Resources on Diagnosis & Treatment