Medical Spanish Books
Other Medical Spanish Resources
See the mobile apps available on our Mobile Resources Point of Care - Tools section.
See the Patient Education page in the COM Rotations Guide. ("Health Literacy Resources for Non-English Speaking Patients" and ClincalKey under "Patient Information")
Canopy - Medical Spanish Language Course
CanopyLearn is an online, self-paced eLearning platform that offers the most robust medical Spanish and medical English curriculum, tailored for healthcare professionals based on everyday clinical encounters. It combines medical terms, Spanish learning foundations, and cultural knowledge together in every lesson.
✓ Improve medical Spanish and medical English in 40 hours
✓ Fit into your busy schedules and learn on any mobile devices
✓ Improve cultural competence while watching telenovelas
-description for the Canopy website
*Awarded "The Best Medical Spanish Online Courses for Healthcare Professionals" but the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Teaching Spanish : how to understand and speak a new language - produced by The Great Courses
You will need your TouroOne credentials to access the streaming video from off-campus.
Viewing instructions:
- Click Watch Now
- Click Log in to TU
- Select OpenAthens authentication method - "with your TouroOne Credentials"
- Login to TouroOne
Medical Spanish Podcasts
Medical Spanish with Dr. Molly Martin - Interactive podcasts for mastering Spanish for the health care setting. Free iTunes podcast
Go to the Website