Aristotle wrote that emotions “are all those feelings that so change men as to affect their judgments and that are also attended to by pain or pleasure." * Although there is not agreement, most writings conclude there are 5 basic emotions: joy (and its negative counterparts unhappiness, stress, anxiety, depression, loneliness) fear, sadness, disgust, and anger.
This section identifies resources that describe how emotions impact our lives, our relationships, and our decision-making, and how we can strive for emotional wellness by recognizing and counter-acting emotions that do not promote wellness through resilience, empathy, anger and stress management, forgiveness, gratitude, positive relationships.
*Solomon, R.C. (2019). Emotion: definition, variety, and structures. Retrieved from https://www.britannica.com/science/emotion.
This course, available to TUC students, faculty, and staff, consists of 24 lessons and a supplemental PDF, which is available to download. To go to the list of lessons and download the supplemental PDF, please click the link below.
Please note, you will be required to login to OpenAthens to access this material.
Practicing Mindfulness: An Introduction to Meditation (The Great Courses)
* The supplemental PDF can be downloaded by clicking the red box called "Supplemental Material" in the lesson descriptions. If you don't see the box, click "Show More" under the series or lesson description.
Please contact our Electronic Resources Librarian Michael Massaro at mmassaro@touro.edu if you have any questions or need help with this resource.