EXAM MASTER ONLINE is aimed at COM, COP and PA students. It is a newly updated USMLE, Certification Review Series, Medical Subject Review, PANCE and NAPLEX preparation and review tool that provides access to thousands of basic and clinical sciences questions. The completely revised interface allows for quick and easy navigation, and provides students with the ability to create very customized practice exams and study blocks. Note: You must self-register to create a personal account to use Exam Master.
Access Pharmacy NAPLEX Central
Test yourself with 3,000+ practice questions!
Note: You will need to create a Free MyAccess account to access the NAPLEX review.
Pharmacy Library NAPLEX review
Test yourself and improve your performance with over 2,000 questions created exclusively for PharmacyLibrary and 1,000 from the editors of the APhA Complete Review for Pharmacy, 12th Edition.