A literature review follows a logical order that consists of the following:
Consider these optional sections depending on your topic:
A. Choose something that is of interest
B. Explore your topic using textbooks and reference books. Consult with your instructor/professor.
C. Be open to altering and adjusting the focus of your question as you gather information.
Scan what’s out there in a broad scope. Rely on reference books, textbooks, introduction to books/chapters, and abstracts to scan existing information. You may find useful general information from Wikipedia and other websites to get you started, but avoid solely relying on them and citing them.
These are some examples of places to get a broad view of a topic, but usually not cited and not included as part of a literature review:
While conducting a background search on a topic, consider the following questions:
Refine your topic by asking the following questions:
Concept Map - A visualization of topic, ideas, and their relationships
How to Create a Concept Map
Look at other literature reviews in your area or field of study. Is this an education-based question? A clinically based topic? An engineering-based topic? Biomedical? Look at how other reviews are structured and presented to begin to formulate your own structure.
In most databases, you can use filters or advanced search options to search Literature Reviews.
Sample Literature Reviews:
Reynolds D. (2007). Literature review of theory-based empirical studies examining adolescent tanning practices. Dermatology Nursing, 19(5), 440-3, 447.
Moore S, Clark C, Haught A, Hinde B, Reckner D, Robinson J, Graham-West A, Wigal W, Childers W, and Horzempa J. Factors Associated with Academic Performance in Physician Assistant Graduate Programs and National Certification Examination Scores. A Literature Review, Health Professions Education, Volume 5, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 103-110, ISSN 2452-3011.
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Make a list of keywords and concepts based on your refined topic. Break down your refined topic or research question into key concepts. The goal is to find the best terms that will limit search results to only relevant items, yet not leave out important research. As you learn more about your topic, you will add and remove synonyms, acronyms, alternative terms, and relevant concepts. Documenting keywords as you progress through the research process is part of developing an effective search strategy that will save you time as you search different databases.
Some tools to help find key terms for your research:
PICO - Patient/Population/Problem, Intervention/Exposure, Comparator, Outcome(s)
PCC - Population, Concept, Context
MeSH - Medical Subject Heading
Library Search is a great place to start when developing a research topic. After developing your research question and narrowing down your topic, it is more effective to search in subject databases. Not only will you find more relevant research, the search tools in these databases are designed for those subjects, providing ways to refine your search, such as subject thesauri and facets. For example, in medical databases you will find ways to filter based on study type or population group. Contact the library for suggestions on which databases to use.
Use a citation manager to store and organize the literature.
The Library provides access and support for EndNote.
A summary table allows an easy comparison of various studies on a chosen topic
Literature Review Preparation: Completing a Summary Table
a. Ask questions while you read and evaluate - who, what, where, when, how. Consider the sources, are they the best evidence to support your topic? What common concepts or themes are coming up during your review of the sources?
i. What is the research question (in this article, chapter, review, etc.)?
ii. What is the methodology used?
iii. What data was gathered and how?
iv. How is the data presented?
v. Are findings consistent across literature?
vi. What are the main conclusions?
vii. Are the conclusions reasonable? (think about how they align with your question)
viii. What theories are used to support the conclusions of the authors?
b. Organize your evaluations by concept or theme, chronologically or historically tracing your topic, or by methodology.
i. You may want to create a chart or document your notes identifying themes and notes on each article or resource that is evaluated.
c. Return to step 1, review your keywords and look for more literature based on your new knowledge.
Identify key concepts and gaps in the literature on your topic. This will help you outline your literature review. This is important for the overall writing and structure of your review.
a. Remember- this is not a summary of one piece of literature after another.
b. Organize your review into sections that present the themes or trends, including relevant theory. You are not simply listing information, but evaluating and synthesizing based on your question. Remember that your own conclusions from analyzing, evaluating, and synthesizing are important.