This guide provides an overview of review types and resources for selecting and conducting reviews on a research topic.
Below is a brief outline of types of research evidence and review types covered in this guide. Navigate the menu above for details on each type of review and how to find research for your review.
Literature Reviews - A review of published literature sources on a particular subject area. Most often, the initial step to understanding the breadth of a research area. A literature review will reveal what has been studied on a topic, what questions have been asked, state of research, direction of research, and important scholars/researchers in the field, types of research design implemented.
Scoping Reviews - Synthesizes knowledge on a research question by mapping concepts, types of evidence collected, and gaps in research. A scoping review is often conducted to determine if a systematic review is viable and will provide insights into the kinds of evidence that are available in a field and how research has been conducted on a topic,
Systematic Reviews - A comprehensive review of primary research on a specific research question in order to compile and analyze all relevant evidence. Reveals validity of data, study methods, and funding sources of research.