After importing your records and configuring the settings, it's time to begin title/abstract screening.
1. In the section titled "Title and abstract screening," click the blue button that says "Continue."
2. Read the record's abstract (see Covidence documentation if the abstract isn't included), compare to your inclusion and exclusion criteria, and then decide if the article should be moved to full-text screening (yes, no, or maybe).
After completing title/abstract screening, and before beginning full-text screening, it's necessary to upload PDFs of the full-text. When a study moves from title/abstract screening to full-text screening, Covidence uses the DOI associated with the record to try to retrieve the full text.
You can use the bulk upload or drag-and-drop feature to add full text.
EndNote licenses: TUC faculty, staff, and students may request an EndNote license by submitting an IT Help Desk ticket.
EndNote Full Text Settings: Contact the Library ( for the OpenURL path and authentication information so that EndNote can retrieve the full text when possible.
After uploading the full text, it is time for full-text screening.
1. In the section titled "Full text review," click the blue button that says "Continue."
2. Open the PDF, read the article, compare it to your inclusion and exclusion criteria, and then decide if the article should be included or excluded. If you choose to exclude, you will then have to specify from a pre-determined reason, which will be recorded in the PRISMA diagram.