After creating your review and configuring your settings, it's time to import your search results. References can be imported using the PubMed format or the .ris text format. To obtain a .ris file of your references, you can use most reference managers, including EndNote. Some databases also offer this option, as shown below. Typically, all you need to do for this is to make a free account and then organize your references inside a folder to export them.
You can import files up to 50 MB in size into Covidence, and up to 15,000 references. Larger files may take longer to upload and process. One file can be imported at a time, and there is no limit to how many imports you can perform.
1. In the section titled "Import references," click the blue button that says "Import."
2. From the dropdown menu for "Import in to," select "Screen."
3. Select the source of the records you're uploading. Although this step is optional, it's helpful if you need to review the import history and for creating the PRISMA diagram in Covidence.
4. Click the button that says "Choose File" and upload the desired file.
5. Click the blue button that says "Import."
Covidence automatically detects duplicates when you import records using the title, year, volume, and authors. You can also manually mark records as a duplicate during screening.