Touro Library's Nursing Research Guide is a great starting point for:
Resources, Tools, and Services that will help you discover, organize, and present information relevant to nursing research and practice. Don't forget that your Librarians are also excellent resources! You will find our contact information through the links on the right-hand side of the page!
The tabs above will hopefully help you with the following:
Evidence-Based Practice -- What is EBP? What's a PICOT question? Where do I find the evidence? How do I evaluate it?
Articles -- Takes you directly to the list of nursing journal databases available to Touro University students. Includes links to tutorials on CINAHL, PubMed and Cochrane.
Accessing Articles -- From Full-Text to Interlibrary Loan; your questions answered!
Books & Media -- Ebooks, streaming video, encyclopedias & dictionaries on nursing and health-related topics.
Websites -- Useful websites, how to evaluate health web sites, statistics, professional organizations, and more!
Literature Reviews -- What is a lit review? How is it structured? Examples and more.
Annotated Bibliographies -- What is an annotated bibliography? Examples and more.
Tools to Help You Write -- Citation management tools such as EndNote. Writing and brainstorming tools.
Presentations -- At some point, you'll have to do a presentation. Great tools to help you shine your brightest!
Professional Communication -- This involves speaking, writing, and listening, tips and advice on how navigate the intricacies of good communication
Start Here: How to Use Library Tools & Access Resources
On this page you will find instructions for using our various tools for locating and accessing the resources you need. We recommend working your way through this page to orient yourself to the TUC Library.