The Library's May 2020 Acquisitions
Below is a list of some of our newest titles. Simply click on the titles to get to the catalog entry, where you can access the titles (you will be prompted to login via OpenAthens).
To check out more new textbooks for basic sciences, handbooks for rotations, as well as public heath, pharmacy, anatomy, histology, psychiatry, epidemiology books, and more, please see the complete list.
Punished: Policing the Lives of Black and Latino Boys, by Victor M. Rios
Until We Reckon: Violence, Mass Incarceration, and a Road to Repair, by Danielle Sered
From the War on Poverty to the War on Crime: The Making of Mass Incarceration in America, by Elizabeth Kai Hinton (also available in print)
Gray’s Atlas of Anatomy, 3rd edition, Richard L. Drake
Sports Pharmacy: Performance Enhancing Drugs and the Athlete, by David F. Gregory, Erin R. Holmes, Shannon R. Singletary, Marvin C. Wilson
A Practical Guide to Pharmacoeconomics, by Stephanie C. Peshek
Immunology, 9th edition, by David Male, R. Stokes Peebles, Jr., Victoria Male
Current Practice Guidelines in Primary Care 2020, by Jacob A. David
Infectious Diseases: A Case Study Approach, edited by Jonathan C. Cho
Nolte’s The Human Brain: An Introduction to its Functional Anatomy, 8th edition, by Todd W. Vanderah, Douglas J. Gould
Emergency Management in Public Health: The H1N1 Pandemic Example
Unnatural Causes: Is Inequality Making Us Sick?
*** If you wish to see the complete list of our 42 new titles from May 2020, please click HERE. ***