Accessing Electronic Resources From Off-Campus
You will need your TouroOne credentials to access ebooks, databases and other electronic resources from off-campus. Select Access with your TouroOne credentials
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If you continue to experience electronic access issues, please contact the library at
This is the Library Resource Guide For Diagnostic Medical Sonography Students.
For questions or comments about this guide, please contact Jennifer Abueg.
Books For Prerequisite Courses - selected titles in college math, introduction to physics, medical terminology, and composition & communication.
Anatomy & Physiology - a selected list of anatomy atlases and physiology review books.
Anatomical Models - the Library's online catalog listing of anatomical models available for Reserve checkout and Reference (Library Use Only).
Medical Physics Textbooks And Guides - Selected titles.
Sonography Textbooks And Guides - Selected titles in sonography and ultrasound.
How To Search For Books In Summon - Instructions for searching print books and electronic books using the Summon discovery system.
Biomedical & Allied Health Literature Databases - Includes the Library subscription databases & free databases and highlighted biomedical and allied health literature databases, relevant to the curriculum.
Finding Journals, Articles, Using Interlibrary Loan - Search for journals using the A-Z Journals -Search for full-text articles using article citation information - Information on requesting materials not owned by the TUC Library via Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
Citation Information - Resources for citing sources in AMA format.
You can see your list of required and recommended textbooks available through the Library on the Course Textbooks guide at this link.