TUC Library has put together a collection of proprietary and free databases to help you meet your information needs. These databases are listed alphabetically below. You can use the filters or the search bar to quickly locate the databases for your particular research needs.
HOW TO USE THE FILTERS You can apply filters to locate databases for specific subjects or database types by choosing from the respective dropdown menus. Please note that after selecting an initial filter, any subsequent filters you choose will filter your current results, not the entire A-Z List. For example, if you first select the subject filter "Medicine" you will get a list of all the databases on the list that provide information and resources for topics in medicine. If you then apply a type filter of "eBooks", your results will be for databases that have the assigned subject of "medicine" and the assigned type of "eBooks", providing you with a list of the databases that have eBooks on medicine. To remove filters, click the "Clear Filters/Browse All Databases" button, which appears after a filter is in place.
LOCATING FREE RESOURCES To locate resources freely available to the public, select the "Free Resources" filter on the "All Database Types " dropdown menu.
OFF CAMPUS ACCESS You will need to sign into TouroOne for off-campus access to all databases not indicated as "Free Resources." Please contact TUC Library, our Electronic Resources Librarian, if you encounter access issues with any of the following databases.
Please see our guide HOW TO USE TUC LIBRARY RESOURCES GUIDE for help, tips, and tutorials for each of our subscription databases.
Also, explore our RESEARCH GUIDES to see the databases that are most relevant to a particular subject area in your program, and to find other materials and tools to help you with your program-specific course work.